
UI/UX - Mobile

Gush was a personal project of mine, part of non-credit UI and UX adult courses offered at Pratt. After research, I found that there was a lack of a centralized mobile social community exclusively tailored for people that enjoy hobbies. My objective for Gush was to create a mobile app where one can find local groups related to a specific hobby, chat with others who share the same hobby, and create and save events in a personalized calendar.

I started with researching existing apps that were related to Gush. I found that Hobby and Meetup were the two apps that were most related to Gush in terms of function. They each were missing key features I wanted to see in Gush: no connecting with individuals with the same hobby, no online event hosting, and no personalized calendar.


After a thorough research into competitive apps, I revisited and solidified Gush’s intended functions:

  • Connect hobbyists to groups and individuals with same interests.

  • Find local and online events specific to individual hobbies.

  • Save and create events in a personalized calendar with notifications.


Target Audience

I defined my target audience and user profile. Intended target audience had the following characteristics:

  • Age 18 years and over.

  • People that already have an existing hobby.

  • People seeking improvement in their hobby.

  • People that wish to engage in their hobby with others, they may tend to be extroverted.

  • People that already use existing social media platforms.


I began mapping out content and interaction maps, creating a sitemap to use as a blueprint for the user flow. After the sitemap I created a series of wireframes and began to mockup page designs.

App Icon and Colors

For Gush’s app icon I designed an origami crane, thinking of journeys, travelling, and craftsmanship.

The colors I went for a fun and vibrant near tetradic color theme.

Finished hi-fidelity prototype.




Print Design