Monar Air Conditioning

UI/UX Web Design

Monar Air Conditioning is a service company part of the HVAC industry based in Boca Raton, Florida. As part of their new client sign up with BxB Media, they were looking to change the look and feel of their site. Monar was looking for a design that:

  • Primarily used white. 

  • Emphasized their family friendly and family owned company through use of happy home photos.

  • Tailored design slightly towards women since they make up a vast majority of Monar’s clients.

  • Incorporated beach elements.


Taking into consideration brand guidelines, and BxB’s best practices for web design layout, I created a prototype that I thought achieved clean and streamlined navigation. Using callouts in the top pf the banner and a callout in the main body of the header to schedule service.

Visual Design

Gathering inspiration for Monar included light textures, and utilizing their blue in their logo. I used abstracted sand texture elements and overlays to signal ice for cooling. Family photos of young families were collected along with subtle beach elements. 

Considering this is a company tailored to Florida clients in air conditioning services, I used their brandmark as a design element to reinforce branding and push the concept a bit further for an ice/cooling feel.

Web Design

Following BxB company guidelines and formatting for user experience best practices, I constructed two prototypes for Monar. I worked closely with both the in-house marketing coach and developers to ensure client satisfaction.

One prototype example


Renascent Protection Solutions

